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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sad Day

It was a sad day today. I learned this morning of the passing of a friend, David Ennis. David intersected my life in many ways. First, his son, Chris, worked with me at NOC in instruction. Talented paddler and all around great guy. I can tell you Chris got this way through the guidance of his parents. David was a great father..encouraging, mentoring and setting wonderful examples of service, friendship and responsibilty. Long time board member at NOC, he also became NOC's President for a couple tough years. He did so with poise and consideration.
After his stint at President, we took our dogs out birdhunting a few times. It was actually more of a walking and hiking exercise, but I enjoyed out talks about the outdoors. We'd talk dogs, fishing and just about everything in between. A passionate bonefisherman, he would tell me his Bahamas trips with great enthusiasm. I would have really like to have had a chance to go with him.
Later, I would see him at school. David started a local Big Brother program. He and Donna would show up every now and then to spend time with one of our kids. Mostly just having fun at whatever the kid wanted to do, but it was invaluable and greatly needed/wanted by those students.
I'm not going to post much about the trip today. Suffice it to day that it was long and hot. Today was more about remembering my times with David and wishing his family peace in their grief. In closing, please remember to live each day as it's your last. Do something you always it with your family and love them. Time is precious. Peace.

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