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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Moving Along

I'm sitting on a bench near Huntsville Alabama and just found out I'm trespassing on military property. It's 5:45 and a gentleman walked up and very nicely asked if I was here for the fishing derby. We started talking and well, go figure, I'm on hte Redstone Military Arsenal. Evidently, NASA owns part of this too. Something to do with missles. I don't ask too many questions at this point. Its peaceful with bird chirping and fish splashing while the sun is just rising up river from me.
Made it through Guntersville yesterday. Again, the morning, I kicked butt. Lots of big, open water to cross, but the wind wasn't an issue. The afternoon, in the heat, I slowed, but still managed to make 33 miles. Beautiful section from a couple miles above the dam, to where I stopped about 10 miles below the dam. Moved into some pine forests and later, on the river passed some huge cliff faces. This section, below the dam was definitely more scenic than below Watts Bar, Chickamauga and Nickajack. Nicajack was by far the most unscenic yet. Laid on a big flat rock,in the shade for anhour and actually fell asleep for awhile.
I pulled into a marina about 3 miles upstream for the night. The marina store was closed but still bought a Dr Pepper out of the machine there. You don't know how good that was. One of the workers came by with a key and went inside while I was fixing dinner on the dock.. Spoke to him about sleeping there and he pointed over to the transient dock. Cost was 15 bucks so I paid and paddled over. I was just getting my things out when the door to the big boat next to me opened and I met Ron Wilkerson. After talking for all of 2 minutes, he offered me his boat to sleep on for the night. Another good semaritan! Again, I was blessed. A/C and a stocked fridge. He offered a cold water and to the roof deck we went. We talked for a bout an our before it was time for to go shower and get some sleep. Nice guy obviously,but what amazes me are peoples good will. I've expereienced this level of kindness rarely, but it's usually when traveling. For some reason, people tend to open up, lend ahand and somehow move out of their everyday, hectic pace for awhile. When they see someone roughing it, people tend to want to help. That to me is priceless. Thank you Ron for your generosity.
Highlight of yesterday...2 bald eagles. Saw them above Guntersville. Lucky to get s photo of them. Playlist was a comilation from artists. If you haven't gone there, check it out. Great music from rising, unknown artists. Huge selection with a lot of free downloads. Also, a plug fo Listening to books on tape has been a great time passer. Ken Follets follow up to Pillars of the Earth is one the Zune today.
Off to put in more miles in the continuing heat. Hope for some clouds and wind like yesterday. Not a big wind, but just enought to keep the air moving.
Last thing, thanks to Cat, Marc, Deb, and Peter for your donations. It really keeps the spirits up when I see someone has donated. Coming from you guys,it means even more. Thanks!

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