Finally have a good connection and want to catch up with everyone. 3 Days ago I had just entered Pickwick Lake from Florence Al. Beautiful lake with gravel and shell beaches that made rest stops comfortable and easy. No worry about boat wakes with the boat pulled over to shore. Usually, that's the big worry,but not here. Spent a long day with several breaks just enjoying. Probably one of the more pleasant days I've had in the heat. Pulled into Coleman State Park on Mississippi. Yes..Mississippi. Really can't believe I've paddled from Bryson City to MS. Met a couple law enforcement guys from the park and talked about the project. Great guys and really liked hearing about it. I went back to the boat to secure it and get my stuff. In pulls a boat, careening into the boat dock with the gas pumps. I was parked just behind them about 15 yards and immediately got worried. They were obviously drunk and the girl was seriously mad at one of the guys. Lots of F-bombs and crying and generally making a scene. I immediately got back in my boat and paddled around to the other side, picked up my stuff and headed off the find the law enforcement guys. Gladly, they took off and handled it. I didn't care what happened to them...they were going to hurt themselves or someone else if nothing was done.
After a dinner of mashed taters, ground beef and veggies with lots of butter. Finished it off with some coconut cream pie pudding. I was happy. I slept well. The next morning, I started down to my boat to start loading. When I got there, there was a note on my seat. Evidently one of the officers had read this blog and decided to help out. On top of the note were 4 pair of sunglasses. I took a picture of the note so you guys could read it. Just another helping hand along the way.
The next day,by comparison was the worst day of the trip. HOT with no releif anywhere. I entered the Tenn-Tomm Waterway, headed south. Reaching a milestone like this is big and I was looking forward to the "Ditch" as most call it. Well..its a ditch. Riprap lining both sides and no coves or inlets to get away from boat wakes. Not only that it was a water skiiers paradise. It was Sunday and all day I fought boat wakes and sun. Not only is there no place to pull off, there isn't even hardly a tree big enough to offer shade. I could only keep going. Drank 2 gallons of water and splashed water on me all day. Pulled into Bay Springs Lake at around 9 pm after a 36 mile stint. Don't want to do that again.
Today was much better. A front passed through taking some of the humidity with it. Temps were in the low 90's instead of the high 90's as the day before. Listening to the weather on the radio, yesterday had a heat index of 110. Today,it was only in the low 100's. Up early as usual to clear skies and light wind. Cool breeze actually and it was at my back. Pushing early, I made the first lock of the day. The Tenn-Tomm was created to provide an alternate shipping route to the east instead of using the Mississippi. To make it, they had to create a channel to conect the3 Tennessee with the Tombigbee River. Using a lot of locks..I think there are 15, they were able to make the connection. I had to wait until the lock filled to enter, taking about 20 minutes. After I entered and tied off, they started lowering the water. After about 10 minutes and 20 feet, they started filling it again. Another boat was upstream so they decided to refill and let him in. A big cruiser entered and tied up opposite me. Turns out its a family, dad, mom and a small boy of about 6. The dad asked about the "purpose" as he had seen it printed on the side of the boat (Thanks Getcha Graphics). We spoke a bit and introduced ourselves. Dad, Bill Butler, and his family were heading to the Abacos in the Bahamas for a year. He owns an internet company and can work from anywhere. I wanted to go with them..badly.
Anyway, the water lowered and off we went. Nice guy and I hope they have a great voyage. I did see a snake up close and personal while in the lock. It swam along the wall toward me, stopped for a sec at my boat and then zoomed past me, between the wall and me. The watersnake was not interested in me as he swam by at inches away.
Thenext channel and then lake were only about 6 miles long. As the lock came into view, I saw the same cruiser entering and a tug with barge attached leaving. I knew I wouldn't make it in time to enter with Bill's cruiser. Another wait until he locked through, they refilled and I could enter. Waiting for this takes about 20-30 minutes. So, I waited.
This time, the lock was a little different. The tie-offs were up high. High enough that I had to stand to tie my boat off. These tie-offs are engineered so that as the water lowers, the tie-offs lower also. They are like cylinders sliding up and down inside the lock. I stood and tied the boat and sat back down to wait. That's when my worry became a reality. At every lock, I wondered what would happen if the water started lowering, but they cylinder tie-off didn't. This one didn't go down at the same time as the water. As the water lowered, the rope became tighter and tighter. I had some slack, but it quickly played out. The rope got tighter and started to pull the side of the boat up as the water lowered. I frantically tried to untie, then started to reach for my knife when "Bang". The rope popped. The little D-ring on my boat broke. It was hard plastic and easily fixed, but wow, not a comfortable feeling.
Water lowered and my nerves feeling better I set off again. It was not about 3:00 in the afternoon and hot. Not as hot as the last 2 weeks, but still summer hot. A light wind still blowing at my back I made some time. This time it was about 8 miles to the mext lock. This time the same tie offs. This time, I learned and left some more slack and tied it in such a way so I could pull the bight of the rope and untie it quickly. This time, no problems, but still had to wait for a tug and barges coming up river. Another hour to get through the lock. I paddled for another few hours and came to Midway Marina where I am tonight. Glorious sunset and a shower with plenty of hot water. Even a hot-tub which I used to pound my back for awhile. Great folks here as well. Boat people seem to like to hear the story, share some of their own and generally make anyone around welcome. I guess its one of the perks of a trip like this and I'm glad to found it out.
Now seems like a good time to do a little assessment of where I am, how far I've gone and what challenges lay ahead. First, there is more than 500 miles of water between Bryson City and me right now. That amazes me. I still have 392 miles to go. I thought I would be really counting the miles I've paddled, but Ihaven't really cared. I can't count like that...it would be like watching a clock go by, or watching water boil. Time just drags on. I just focus on the next task and stay in the present. What do I have to do next. Last night when I finally reached my campsite, I had to fix dinner, set up the tent and go to sleep. Everything was in slow motion and all I could focus on was the next task. It would have beento overwhelming otherwise.
So, 392 miles left. I figured out at yesterday morning as I made the turn into the Tenn-Tom that I had to average 34 miles a day to make Mobile. If I have more days like yesterday, I won't make it. Today, my body was still paying for yesterday. Also, I wasn't expecting the 3 locks today to take so much time. Taking 3 hours out of a day to virtually stand still doesn't get me closer, but it still takes a toll on me in terms of sun and energy. My hope is that I'll get lucky and not have to wait as long tomorrow. I don't know, but I'll keep trying to make it and see where it goes. Would I be dissappointed? I don't think so. I have 30 days to do all I can and so far I've done it to my limit. Putting 12-16 hours a day in the boat is about all I have so I'm satisfied with that, and I'll keep doing the same from here on. When I started this project, I wrote the 2 purposes. #1. To honor the service of my dad to his family, community and country. #2 Raise funds for the Swain County Schools Foundation in my Dad's name. Those have, and continue to be successful thanks to all of you.
Tomorrow, I'll get up at 4:30, pack and start paddling again. I'll see where it leads. The weather is supposed to stay like this through the week. Hopefully, with some breaks and good timing, I'll make up some time. I'll let you know.
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