Here's a piece of advice. Never try to do math when you've been working hard in the hot sun, low on energy and in desperate need of sleep. Today I had to reassess my reassessment. My math was wrong. Last night, when I was trying to figure out how far I still had to go and how many miles per day I needed, I made one mistake. This trip is a month. Last night, a month was 28 days,or 4 weeks. Today, I realized that Susan is picking me up after a calendar month...Doh! So, that leaves 2 more days to figure in. Today, was a good day and I made 38 miles. That included 3 locks which was stellar. That leaves me with 12 days left and 28 miles a day to average. Much mre doable than the 34 a day I had worked out last night. A little over 350 miles to go in 12 days. I've made over a 100 in the last 3 days so give me some good weather...meaning cooler and less humid and I should get to Mobile on time.
Last night was spent at Midway Marina. Nice group there and I really enjoyed just hanging out and talking with them. If they're reading...thanks for making me feel welcome. The sunset last night was awe inspiring. God really knows how to end a good day on a high note. Enjoy the pics.
Today, up at 4:30, in the boat and 5 and through the first lock at 6, with the sun rising as I entered. The 3 locks today were really smooth. None of them had the high tie-offs and all went down with the water level. Even still, I was ready. Instead of a couple half hitches, I tied a bwline with a bight. If I needed to, all I had to do was pull on the end of the rope and off it came. No need to though,thank goodness. 14 hours later I pulled into Aberdeen Marina. Drank a Dr Pepper and made a couple phone calls. The marina isn't big, but has a convenience store and gas pumps alongside it. Speaking to the ladies behind the counter I asked about camping on the dock and explained the whole deal. They ahd to call the owners to see if it was ok. I thought, uh oh. No way would they let some stranger with some sort of story camp there. Once again I was surprised. The owner, Miss Susan, not only said ok, but let me stay on her screened in pontoon boat, had the ladies fix me a burger and fries and set me up with a fan. They later came in while I was eating and introduced themselves. Great folks once again. Kerrie, one of the women working there made sure Ihad everything I needed and helpe3d find the fan for me. Again, thanks. I've been blessed numerous times throughout this. It's sounding somewhat like a broken record. The eternal optomist in me is silently rejoicing that the world, no matter the media we hear, isn't all bad. We live in uncertain times right now, but one thing is for certain. Most people in our world are genuinely considerate, helpful and kind...no matter what you see in Atlanta traffic.
One last thing. I can tell I'm movcnig south. Saw my first White Heron today. Also, the water and surroundings are starting to get that lowland, swampy feel as you move away from the main channel and into the backwaters. Cypress knees and hydrilla floating by. I'm definitely not in the mountains any more.
One last work. Thanks to all who are commenting and messaging. I can't respond to all, but they are appreciated and mean a lot.
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