Yesterday I went for a short paddle and spent the night on Lake Cheoah. The lake is the second lake that I will paddle on the trip. I wanted to check them out and see what the portage possibilities are. Lake Fontana will be my starting point and the first 25 miles of paddling will take me to Fontana dam, the largest dam in NC. Below that is Lake Cheoah, which is about 10 miles long and ends in another dam. This dam was made famous by the movie "The Fugitive" with Harrison Ford. I wanted to see the dams and what I'll need to do about getting around them. Fontana dam will be easy...my wife will drive me around it since it's close and a it's huge dam. To portage, you'd have to carry several miles of highway. Not your everyday portage. The dam at Cheoah won't be bad; just steep. Anyway, after a good night sleep, I woke up to a chilly morning, but still managed to get on the water about 7:30. Fall is just starting and the leaves are showing some color. The water was glass smooth and absolutely calm and wonderfully clear. As I left the cove where I camped the night, I rounded the bend and the sun was just starting to hit the sides of the mountains around me. Slight rose colored clouds, some mist and the cool, calm air was exactly what I was looking for. Soooo peaceful. Also, these lakes are hard to access and no motorboats. I had the entire lake all to myself. I ended up paddling for about 3 hours and had a great morning. Looking forward to just continuing on next summer and seeing what's in store for the next 1,070 miles.
I've been putting a needs list together in my head lately. What do I have and what will I need. I don't want to spend if I don't have to,but there are a few things that I absolutely need. I'm hoping that I can keep these purchases to a minimum as I'm spending my own money, or using sponsored products. I'm planning on all money donated going to the scholarship.
Here's a short list of things I know I'll need.
- Handheld VHF radio -
- maps - TVA and Corp of Engineers, as well as road maps for the area.
- Food - How much? What to buy so I don't get bored with meals and high enough calories.
- New Paddle(s) - My Dagger wood bentshaft is great..just want something lighter. Also kayak paddle for making time as long as my shoulder holds out. I want a Bending Branches, or a Zaveral, maybe I'll get it for Xmas, or sponsor help.
- New Therma-rest. My old one has holes I can't find, and my other pad just doesn't cut it anymore.
Lastly, Keep the comments, donations and encouragement coming. Sometimes this feels like throwing a party and no one is going to show up. If your planning on donating, please do so. You don't know the help it is to see any donation come in. If all you can afford right now is $20, send it. If you can't, spread the word...talk about the trip and help get people excited. Send them my email,, or tell them to find me on Facebook. I'd love to see them and talk to them.
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