I had a comment that it might be good if people knew more about me and my paddling background. Maybe with more info on my experience, they could decide if a trip like this would be successful. After all, 1,100 miles in 30 days is a lot to bite off.
Well, here's a little about me.
I started paddling marathon canoes when I was 14. See the pic...I know its bad. bit it's all I have from way back then. That's me in the white shorts, blue hat, red PFD in the stern. This was a 120 mile race over 3 days on the White River in Arkansas. We had a group of about 20 of us that raced everywhere we could. Usually most of our races where in the southeast, but my partner and I did make it to the USCA Nationals in Indiana in 1981 and placed 5th. I ended up racing until I was 19, but more importantly, these years gave me an incredible foundation for my paddling later in life. My last race I remember was the World's Fair Race in Knoxville TN where I raced in Olympic flatwater kayak. I came in 4th I think.
I started work with the Nantahala Outdoor Center in 1982. I was a guide, instructor and trip leader along with whatever else they needed me to be. Over the 20 years of work there I had huge adventures and opportunities. I led trips on all the southeastern rivers including the Chattooga - my home for many years. Through the 90's I had the great opportunity of leading our Chile trips on the Bio Bio river. After the river was dammed, my friend Bob Beazley and I moved from rafting into doing kayak trips only. I think I worked about 7 seasons in Chile and wouldn't trade those days with Beaz, Shane and Kelly for anything. While Chile was where I went to most, I also led trips in Costa Rica, Mexico and Vietnam. The Vietnam trip was one that I put together with a great idea and lots of trepidation. The trip ended up being an incredible seakayak touring trip with boat support. After the kayaking portion I put a northern highlands trek on the back end. Trying to get 4 folding two man kayaks from the states to Vietnam and back was not fun, but the trip was incredible. I put it together in 1999 and then went back in 2000. It was the first of it's kind that I knew of, but now is the staple of the adventure market for seakayaking and treking trips from the states.
I also had the pleasure of paddling with many of the world's best paddlers. I learned everything I know from paddling with, competing against, and sharing some of the best paddling anyone could have hoped for. Living for over 20 years as a paddler and making a living doing what I did was a blessing.
Today, I have a great wife and 2 incredible kids. My wife has joined me on numerous trips and is an incredible paddler in her own right. My two kids have their own boats and are learning about the fun of paddling too.
Now, how does all of this fit into this project. Well, I hope that it gives the project and trip some validity for people who don't know me and might be reading this. Instead of going, "Who is this crazy person who thinks he going how far?". they may read this and know that at least I have some experience doing this sort of thing.
Secondly, my life now is as a teacher. My dad was a teacher. I happened to be able to live this dream life because of my dad's support. Heck, he gave me $800 to go to Chile the first time in 1985. He dreamed of flying when he was growing up and I dreamed of paddling. Education is the key to living your dreams. He earned his through the Naval Academy, I through my education through others. Through this project, I'm confident that we can provide some student the opportunity to live their dream too.
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