Fellow New Iberia, LA native and paddler Tommy Decuir landing a clean line on the Green River, NC. I took this photo about 13 years ago..give or take a few years. We both followed our calling to the Nantahala Outdoor Center in Western NC to make Bryson City our home and paddling a major part of our lives.
The warm rays of Spring are arriving and with it comes the realization that Launch day for Paddling for a Purpose isn't too far off. Today marks 97 days until launch and with it a change in focus for the project. I've been blessed so far with the donor contributions that I've received, but as the trip draws near, my need to step up promotion and donations become more of a priority. To date, the project has raised a little over $2600 with many friends from far and near saying they will donate. Some have asked what my goal is and truthfully I don't have a number that upon reaching will make me say this has been successful. If I had to pick, I would say $10-20k would be a satisfying amount, but I can't help but think more is better. How much does a college education cost these days? As I start speaking to local groups about the project and as I take a more active role in fund-raising, that is the question I'll be asking. The Paddling for a Purpose Project is more of a promotional vehicle than anything else. A grass-roots way for me to use my talents and abilities to send a message and request. The project has 2 very simple objectives. The first is to raise funds to establish a scholarship. The second is to honor my dad's service as a father, as a member of the Air Force and as a career teacher. The second one is the easier of the two and tells a great story. The first objective is now my primary focus. Next week, I'll be speaking to a couple local groups about the project. I'm outlining my talking points, putting together a presentation and talking about dreams. I'm also asking those who have said they will contribute, to go ahead and do so. Tax time is here so instead of checking that box for campaign donations, click on the link above, or send a check made out to "Swain County Public School Foundation" and send it to the address above. Now is just as good as tomorrow for investing in our future.
I also wanted to give an update on how I'm getting the word out on the project. First, the project has been a learning process for me. Some struggles, some enlightenment and some mis-steps are part and parcel with the journey. One of the great things about this journey has been the people along the way. I've tried to embrace the tools of New Media and especially social networking tools. Paddling forums and newsgroups have been fun to write and interact through postings, but I have to say that Facebook, Blogspot and Twitter have been a lot more fun and worthy of my time. It's been a hoot! Facebook in particular has re-connected me to old friends and past classmates that just a couple years ago would not have been possible. First, my local friends invited me to see photos and then I started connecting with old paddling buddies and fellow guides/instructors etc from NOC. Those connections have reached out even further to friends from further back in years. Finally, over the last couple weeks, I've reconnected with high school friends and teachers. Sharing life stories, photos of kids and talking about the project has been wonderful. A thank you goes to Trudi, a high school friend and former cheerleader from NISH (New Iberia Senior High where I graduated from and dad taught), who has helped to pass along the project to New Iberia friends and fellow teachers who worked with my dad. I love where I live now, but there is a big part of me that is still in New Iberia. Re-connecting with all my New Iberia friends shows how generous of spirit they are.
Find the project on Facebook: Paddling for a Purpose - The K L Hester Scholarship Project
Follow me on Twitter: Paddlepurpose
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