I had a great email today. It really fit into what the goals of this project is about. The project has 2 main goals. First, to honor my Dad's life and service to his family, community and country. Secondly, to raise funds and establish a scholarship for students to pursue careers in either eduction, or engineering. The email today truly met the first one...to honor my Dad's life and his service to country. Collette Lemmon from the National Vietnam War Museum contacted me about using some of my Dad's film from Vietnam. He took the film (Not video back then, but Super 8mm) while flying as a Forward Air Controller (read earlier blog posts to see more about what a FAC is) with the 19th T.A.S.S., or Tactical Air Support Squadron. The museum is putting together a DVD/video as part of an exhibit. I've included the raw, unedited video and the text of the email.
Dear Bill,Capt Wilbanks was the only FAC to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. To read his story, click here:
We (the National Vietnam War Museum) are putting together an exhibit of
personal & unconventional memorials created by Vietnam veterans for
friends & colleagues lost in Southeast Asia to open in Fort Worth this
June. Among the memorials we are presenting are 2 song elegies written &
song by FAC Jonathan Myer (Kontum Province 66-67) for KIA FAC's Arthur
Abramoff & Hilliard Wilbanks. Jonathan unfortunately has lost all but a
few of his photos from RVN & hasn't any useable video footage with which
illustrate his songs. We are having a short DVD produced for the
that will include Jonathan's song tributes & some still photos of
& Wilbanks provided by their families. We were wondering if you would
willing to allow us to use some of the footage your father shot from his
0-1 in the DVD as it would help visitors to the exhibit to better
understand the landscape & setting in which the FAC's were operating &
which Abramoff & Wilbanks lost their lives. We would of course credit
your dad & yourself in the DVD & any printed materials we produce for
exhibit. You can visit the museum's website at:
www.nationalvnwarmuseum.org if you wish to know more about us. I look
forward to hearing from you. Thanks much, Colette Lemmon, Curatorial
Consultant, National Vietnam War Museum
Naturally I was surprised and honored for them to ask. I can't think of anything that my Dad would like more than to see something he did go toward honoring his brothers in arms and their families.
It's interesting the places this project has led me. The meetings of people who know nothing of Bryson City, or very little and are willing to donate to the purpose. The others who have a distant connection, but again, support the purpose. Now to be able to reach out and touch others with the fruits of this project is wonderful. I'll keep things posted here as I get more info.
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