Started todays post out with a nice winter paddling photo. Mine had snow on it most of this week.
Three things have been swirling around in my head these days. I've been putting off writing this as I didn't quite know how to put it all into some semblance of relative importance and order. So, I have decided to not try to put it together into something and just let it be what it is. Actually let them be what they are.
1. First news item. Swain County Schools is having to discontinue the SASMT (School of Applied Science, Math and Technology), Freshman Academy and Soph Academy. Care of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation money, the school system has had an incredibly progressive approach to excellence in academics. The idea of creating a school within a school that stresses cooperative and project based learning that addresses real world problem solving skills. It has been an awesome experience and opportunity for many students. I mean, who would not want their kids to be involved in these projects and learning opportunities? Read more about the closure here:
While I understand the reasons, I believe that this is the start of more cutbacks and funding issues to affect, not only education, but many programs. It's also why many people, including myself, believe now is the perfect time to focus on infrastructure funding and investment in the foundation of our future. What, or who is the foundation of our future? The essence of our foundation are our students of today. These students are the ones who will lead us tomorrow. They are the ones who will bring their spirit, their ingenuity and their hard work to the problems of today. If we don't invest in their future, we are cutting ourselves off from the potential of tomorrow. These cuts signal that we absolutely have to help finance that investment through education. So.... HELP INVEST IN OUR FUTURE>>>SUPPORT LOCAL SCHOLARSHIPS THROUGH GIVING!
2. Hmmm...what was number 2 and 3? After I started writing about the need for scholarship investment, I got worked up and forgot about number 2 and 3.
Ok.. I remember. This sort of backs up the first, but on a more personal level. All the teachers in our system received an email from our Superintendent, Mr Bob Marr. Basically, he was giving us a heads up about what budget shortfalls we can expect for the future. Remember #1? Well, this is a part of that beginning of cutbacks I was talking about. Basically, no raises for this coming year, an increase of up to 32% in health care costs, and reversion of up to 7% of the state, and county budgets. Oh, and new employees may not be able to get health care. Not looking bright is it? So, INVEST IN OUR FUTURE>>>SUPPORT LOCAL SCHOLARSHIPS THROUGH GIVING! I know it's hard right now, but we have to continue to support our high school graduates and their effort to continue their education. If we don't support this foundation, what will we have left to build on tomorrow? Do it now.
3. This one is easy and not as depressing. I was finally working with my GPS and mapping software this weekend. I needed to start planning my daily paddles, what miles to cover, where to camp and other things along the way. What I realized was that the trip is a bit shorter than I had originally planned. My first calculations had the trip to Mobile being over 1,000 miles, but shorter than 1,100. I believe I had it around 1,070 or close to that. After doing the daily plots with mileage on the Topo maps, I am at 944 miles total. That starts at the headwaters of the Little Tennesse in Georgia and goes to Mobile, Al. It also covers the leg of the Nantahala River entering Fontana. I'll be paddling the Little Tennessee River portion starting in Georgia during the Spring prior to the official launch from Bryson City. Anyway, the difference really doesn't make much of a difference and should give me a little more wiggle room on any delays. I still plan to paddle about 30 - 36 miles a day. I know also that I will have days where I can't cover that amount due to delays getting through locks and dams, weather, or any other unforeseen matter that befalls me.
Now, after writing this, what do all three of these have in common? I can only think of one aspect. All three involve numbers getting smaller. Sad on 2 accounts, ok on one.