Son to Paddle 1100 Miles in Honor of New Iberia Military and NISH Educator Hero, the late K.L Hester
A big thanks to Julie Thorner of Willowworks Marketing for the help in writing and sending out the press release. Hopefully the New Iberia, LA paper, the Daily Iberian will pick it up, along with others who find it interesting.
New Iberia is where I grew up and my dad taught high school so my hope is to get some exposure and connect with many of our old friends and colleagues.
On the paddling and prep front, all is going well. Food packing and dehydrating is coming along. Hawk Vittles meals arrived and look like they will be awesome. I've got a few meals and additions still to get ready but I feel a lot better about my food situation. Planning on between 3,000 - 3,500 calories a day. There should be places along the way to supplement with bread and such too. My wife is a bit worried about me eating enough and I try to reassure her. I'm not a big guy...weigh about 145 on a good day so I can't afford to not eat enough. Bought water purification drops and a new filter cartridge for my Sweetwater filter. Lost my new sunglasses..found em. Did manage to get out for a few hours this past weekend with absolutely beautiful weather. Made me hope that the mild weather holds for a bit longer. So, at this point I feel pretty good about the prep. Starting to get antsy about getting the show on the water.
7 am, Saturday, June 13th!
Last thing....DONATE! Its easy and is not only painless, it makes you feel good!
Your Contribution is appreciated...Use the Paypal link below
You can donate in two ways. First, by using the Paypal link above. Or, you may send a check or money order made out to the Swain County Public Schools Foundation. All proceeds will go to the Swain County Public Schools Foundation no matter which way you choose to donate.
The Swain County Public Schools Foundation is a non profit, 501(c)3, tax deductible foundation. You may make your check payable to "Swain County Public Schools Foundation", send it to this address
155 West Ridge Dr. Bryson City, NC 28713and the Foundation can send you a receipt. Thank you very much.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Communities Coming Together

My daughter Callie, smiling behind her paddle while on the Chattooga River a few weeks ago.
I went for a couple hour paddle this afternoon/evening. It was a great afternoon with calm water, little wind and some time for reflecting on the status of the project. I put in on the Tuckaseegee arm of Lake Fontana and was glad to see the lake is filling. Last year it didn't get to this point at all and with recent rains it seems that the Nantahala, the Tuckaseegee and the Little Tennessee have all been pumping it up. Saw a couple students of mine as I was coming back in. A classmate of my son was there with her mom and dad. She was anxiously waiting to try out their new jetskis. Another who is a first grader fishing with his dad and grandpa. Much like my dad and many others, they were helping make their kids dreams come true. For some, catching a fish may not sound like a big dream, but to a first, it can be the world. As I was driving away I was thinking these are the kids this project is helping. As I watch them grow up over the coming years and hopefully find success, maybe some of that success will be in part because of the support and donations of people who are supporting this project. My mom and dad gave me the tools and resources to make my dreams come true and for that I am thankful.
A BIG THANKS to a couple people this week...Gold Medalist and Olympic TV and venue commentator Joe Jacobi whose support and encouragement has been constant, appreciated and inspiring to the project. His tech/communication skills have given me a model and formats to talk about this project. Read more about what Joe is up to these days by clicking on the link above.
Also, Matt Delcambre from New Iberia, LA. Matt is a long time friend and former paddling team mate. We used to race marathon canoes way back when I was in high school. Those experiences led me to this life. Successful computer programming guru and married to another good friend, Alexis. Last I saw Matt and Alexis I was leading a Louisiana seakayaking trip for NOC. We were just south of New Iberia and on our last day of paddling the swamps and bayous of south Louisiana. I had just finished preparing lunch for my guests and we were sitting down to enjoy our meal. This big truck stops and out pop Matt and Alexis. They had seen our NOC van and knew it had to be me. Just another small world moment in the world of paddling.
Also, thanks to Bunny Johns. Past president of NOC, current president of Bryson City Rotary and paddling mentor. Bunny gave me my first teaching job of any kind. It was through NOC that I truly learned to teach and Bunny was the first to give me that chance. Her support for this means a lot.
Others have donated and I wish I could expound on all of them and why their support means so much, but I would be writing a book instead of a blog post. The donations from all parts of my life and the communities that surround it are what make this project so interesting to me.
One of the more interesting groups are the veterans that I have connected and learned from. This week I received an email on the status of The National Vietnam War Museum's exhibit that my father's Vietnam film footage is being used for. Here's some of the particulars.
Colette Lemmon's "TRIBUTE: Expressions of Loss and Remembrance by Vietnam Veterans" will be presented at the Fort Worth Community Arts Center, 1300 Gendy Street, Fort Worth, TX. (Check more info on the event.)
Among the exhibits and in the "Bearing Witness" gallery, a 12-minute DVD will present two of Jonathan Myers ballads, "'Willie' Wilbanks' One-Man War" and "A Death in the Dak Na Valley," which describe the last missions of MOH recipient Hilliard A. "Willie" Wilbanks (KIA 24 Feb 67) and fellow-Kontum FAC Arthur J. Abramoff (KIA 20 Jan 67), respectively. Background will include O-1 FAC film footage (per Jim Meade/'65 and Bill Hester, son of K.L. Hester/'68), along with photos and other images.
Performing are Dick Jonas & Irv LeVine. Jonas is known as "America's Foremost Military Aviation Song Writer and Balladeer." He has produced nineteen albums of his kind of music, and published two books — RBAAB: The Red-Blooded, All-American Boy and PTF: Passing the Flame. See for more info.
If your in the Fort Worth Area, check it out.
I want to thank all the communities that have come together to support this project. From my neighbors here in Bryson City, my co-workers in the school system to the river community of friends; it's been absolutely great to see these different communities that surround me come together in support of this project. Also, my friends from New Iberia, LA, where I went to high school and where my dad taught. It's been great to reconnect and see your support. It is very much appreciated.
For those who haven't donated, please consider doing so. Remember, your contribution is tax deductible and is an investment in our kids future. Thanks
Monday, May 18, 2009
Hawk Vittles on Board. I bet I won't be complaining about the food
Short post to let everyone know that Mr. William Redhawk, former chef and gourmet trail food business owner of Hawk Vittles is helping out with the project. Menu items like North African Stew, Hot Italian Sausage and Pasta and Bison Stew, I was thrilled to have his support. Check out his offerings and give some a try. I'll be posting my thoughts and reviews along the way. From recommendations and his ingredients, my guess is I'll be looking forward to those Hawk Vittles Days! Thank you Redhawk!
Monday, May 11, 2009
30 Days and another Otter or Two
First, a short video of some paddling earlier this Spring. I thought some of you would like to see what the boat and some of our great lakes look like. Firt part has some footage at Ft Loudon, TN. The second bit has some footage of Lake Fontana taken a couple weeks ago on a late afternoon paddle from Cable Cove to Hazel Creek. After that, there a a few photos from our Spring Break trip to paddle a couple Florida Springs. Callie and Rye paddled their new boats and had a blast and we all realized what a great place Florida is to paddle.
Also, a day spent on the Chattooga Section II. The Chattooga, to both my wife and I, is like our second home. I met Susan there while guiding and helping manage the NOC outpost there. Showing our kids the special beauty and challenges afforded by this National Wild and Scenic river is a priority for us. They had a hoot and kept wanting bigger rapids. Guess that's a good sign.

Busy lately with family time and other obligations such as coaching my daughters soccer team and work, but I've wanted to post an update of where I am in the project. Over the last month I've received some great community support and donations from several friends and co-workers with many more pledges. Thanks to all who have shown their support. In particular, The Bryson City Womens Club, the Zelinkas, Sally B, Trish P, Leann W and the McLeods. Also, Ingles, our local grocery store helped out with a major part of the food needs for the trip. Manager David Raper...thank you.
More than anything, I'm in a bit of a lull, sort of like the calm before the storm. I haven't paddled a lot, but managed to get a couple times. I've been running through things I need before I leave and going over everything else in my mind. My preparations tend to be lists to start with and then a constant flow thoughts about my trip needs, problem solving and anticipation. Mental lists and checklists that provide a running commentary of thoughts. I know that Jeff, my co-teacher probably wonders what I'm doing half the time, but I'm usually going over some mental checklist or strategy of problem solving. Some are about how to pack while others might be going over my menu items and counting calories. From my guiding days, this is the same thing I would do to prepare for one of our Ad Trav trips to Chile, or some other far off place. My approach is similar and in the past, it always worked well so why change it.
Lastly, please consider donating. The money raised is an investment in our students, our community and our teachers. The Swain County Schools Foundation not only provides scholarships, they provide mini-grants to teachers for worthwhile projects. The first students I started teaching in Swain County are due to graduate next year. I would love to help make their path a little easier. Remember, 2 ways to donate. 1) a check to "Swain County Schools Foundations" and send it me. 2) Paypal using the link above.
Florida Paddling,
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