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Monday, September 1, 2008


Joined Facebook yesterday. Have to! Reconnecting with so many people has been just way too fun. This project is going to be alot of work, but what a hoot if I get to reconnect to some old friends.
This whole idea is Steve Claxton's idea. For those of you who don't know, Steve works in the Central Office of our school system and just completed a trans-america bike trip to establish a scholarship in his mothers name. He was very successful to say the least, but it was because of him that I started this idea. He told me that it was the people you meet along the way and how he was constantly surprised by the goodness and generosity of people. I have no idea how successful we will be in this endeavor, but I look forward to seeing where it goes.
Here's the link to Steve's trip for those of you who are interested. He's got some great journal entries and photos.

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